In keeping true to the Board’s commitment to invest at least $7 million per year into capital facilities projects, including $10 million in capital work this past summer, the Board approved for staff to bid $9.6 million in facility projects for the Summer of 2024. Projects being considered include: 

  • Roofing at Wheaton North  

  • Replacement of exterior doors at Longfellow, Pleasant Hill, and Wheaton North

  • Bathroom renovation at Wheaton North to accommodate students in specialized programming

  • Fire alarm system replacement at Wheaton Warrenville South 

  • Paving and concrete work at Hawthorne, Johnson, and Sandburg 

  • Full replacement of the HVAC/mechanical system at Wiesbrook, including new ceilings and lights

  • Mechanical systems at Hubble and Bower  

  • Playground projects at Sandburg, Hawthorne (swings), and Pleasant Hill (K-2)