Let’s Dance
Register now for Let's Dance! This program has been hugely popular at Franklin with many kids saying it was their favorite thing they did while in middle school. The music is current, and each week the kids have a blast.
What is it? It's an instructional dance program for 7th and 8th graders held in the evenings for 8 weeks in the Franklin gym. There are separate times for 7th graders and 8th graders. 7th meets 6:30-7:45pm and 8th meets 7:45-9pm. Professional dance instructor Andy Fuzak will teach dances like Swing, Fox Trot, and the Electric slide to current music.
What makes it so memorable? The kids get to socialize without phones, dress up a little, and learn a new skill together. There is lots of laughter and fun (and of course, snacks).
Do the parents attend? Parents attend the last lesson on February 26th to see the kids showcase what they have learned. In addition, a request for chaperones will be sent out soon.
Who attends? Everyone! Last year over 100 students participated. Students should dress as they would for a semi-formal occasion (dress or skirt/nice slacks, khakis, dress shirt, etc.)
When is it? Program dates: Jan. 9, Jan. 16, Jan. 23, Jan. 30, Feb. 5, Feb. 11, Feb. 20, and Feb. 26.
Register now for only $80 per student:
Online is easiest, but you may also send in checks made payable to
PTA to the office.