Vision 2026

Academic Excellence Strategies

Implement learning acceleration strategies and programming.

  • Adopt and support the implementation of resources in K-8 core academic areas (math, ELA, science and social studies) that ensure high-quality instruction for all learners.

  • Identify the roles digital tools and a 1:1 environment have in supporting learning acceleration.

Design and implement a balanced assessment system.

  • Implement effective monitoring and assessment tools to measure progress for academics and social emotional needs of students.

  • Leverage data through an equity lens to improve learning for all students.

  • Identify the role technology plays in implementing a balanced assessment system.

Develop implementation resources aligned with our Portrait of a Graduate.

  • Identify competencies, benchmarks, and instructional guidance for each descriptor - collaborator, communicator, problem-solver, resilient learner.

  • Identify digital tools that are aligned to support each descriptor.

  • Identify how an innovative 1:1 environment can create opportunities for students to increase their exposure to each descriptor.

Expand programming to prepare students for a full range of post-secondary opportunities.

  • Expand dual credit opportunities and Transitional Math and English courses.

  • Elevate the number and diversity of students participating in early college coursework through a systematic recruiting process.

  • Develop an extensive Career Pathways Program including expanded opportunities, endorsements, a review of graduation requirements, and a review of middle school electives to align with Career Pathways.

  • Increase the number of blended learning offerings at both high schools.

Develop a comprehensive professional learning program and support system for staff.

  • Create a vision for instructional coaching.

  • Review the coaching program and staffing at all levels.

  • Recognize and plan for professional learning within all academic excellence and social emotional learning strategies.

  • Develop a professional learning program to support new staff members.

Support the social and emotional needs of students.

  • Ensure school connectedness for all students through clubs, activities, co-curricular programming, and relationship mapping strategies.

  • Implement social emotional learning (SEL) programming aligned with our SEL framework components of emotional wellness, behavior wellness, learning, relationships, and mindset.

  • Utilize assessment and screening data to differentiate support for students based upon need.

Operational Excellence Strategies

Address facilities projects identified in the Facilities Master Plan.

  • Develop a plan for adding more innovative and flexible spaces for learning that align with the Portrait of a Graduate.

  • Develop a plan to address facility needs at 3 of the 4 middle schools.

  • Implement a capital facilities improvement plan consistent with the Sherman Dergis policy.

  • Implement an elementary playground replacement plan.

  • Develop and implement a Library Learning Center renovation plan at all levels.

Maintain strong fiscal health of the organization.

  • Maintain a balanced budget on an annual basis.

  • Align financial and human resources to the strategic plan.

  • Maintain District performance in key financial metric areas.

  • Ensure all District contracts meet financial, operational, and academic strategies.

Develop and maintain robust technology systems.

  • Annually assess the stability and security of District technology systems.

  • Regularly evaluate digital tools and subscriptions to ensure they are meeting the needs of the school system and are aligned with strategic work.

  • Ensure comprehensive data systems are accessible and usable for staff.

Engage our community on an ongoing basis to determine its priorities, foster partnerships, and promote learning.

  • Continuously engage all stakeholders by communicating important updates.

  • Provide the community with a “window” into schools by utilizing the voices of our students.

  • Maintain active engagement with all of our municipalities and key community partners.

  • Conduct a communications audit to ensure that all District 200 stakeholders are being informed and engaged.

Hire, develop and retain diverse, high-quality staff.

  • Actively recruit a diverse pool of candidates.

  • Maintain competitive wages.

  • Proactively address staff shortage and workforce needs.

  • Implement a “Grow your Own” teacher career pathway.

  • Actively support dual credit certification for secondary teachers.

Maintain and enhance a positive organizational culture.

  • Regularly monitor the 5 Essentials Survey satisfaction feedback and plan accordingly.

  • Work collaboratively with first responders and community partners through the Safety Committee to update and enhance our school safety protocols.

  • Regularly conduct an employee morale and engagement survey to ensure a continuous improvement cycle.