School Psychologist (A-Gon)
(630) 784-7200 ext. 3240
Located in the Counseling Center
The school psychologist's role at Wheaton Warrenville South High School is broad and based on the National Association of School Psychologists' Mission Statement. We promote educationally and psychologically healthy environments for all children and youth by implementing research-based, effective programs that prevent problems, enhance independence, and promote optimal learning.
In addition to our unique skills in the area of psychological evaluation, we, along with other student personnel specialists, also deliver direct intervention services, case consultation, program service development and monitoring, and system-wide prevention activities. In collaboration with other specialists, the school psychologists are proactive in advocating for support of programs to meet the special needs of students and for the coordinated delivery of such programs.
For additional valuable information for parents, teachers, and students, you are encouraged to view the website of the National Association of School Psychologists