School Information

Contact the School

Main Number - 630-393-1787

Derick Edwards, Principal

Chrissy Fahrforth, Assistant Principal

Stephanie Sanabria

Donielle Semp

Johnson Elementary School Hours

Grades One through Five 9:05 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

AM Kindergarten 9:05 a.m. – 11:35 a.m.

All Day Kindergarten 9:05 a.m. – 3:30p.m.

Pick-Up and Drop-Off Procedures

  • ALL before school and after school car riders are expected to drop-off and pick-up students in the back of the school

    . Please note drop off time is now 8:55. Bell rings at 9:05. Dismissal is 3:30.
    Check out our video on Youtube!

    Morning Student Drop-Off Procedures 

    1. Procedures for before school drop off are the same as the previous years. Parents will enter the “east” entrance to drop-off area located on the map. Parents will drive to the back of the school. Cars will be expected to form a double line to prevent traffic from backing up on Continental Drive.

    2. The first vehicle that enters the drop-off area will be expected to drive their car all the way to the red fire hydrant. Every preceding car is expected to drive as far down as possible behind the car in front of them. We ask that cars do not prematurely stop before proceeding down as far as they can go.

    3. Car riders are expected to exit on the passenger side of the car. Students are not to exit on the driver side of the car under any circumstances! This rule is for the safety of every child.

    4. When dropping your student off in the morning, parents are not to exit the vehicle. All parents must remain in their car. We ask that parents do not exit the vehicle to open the door to let their child out.

    5. There will be plenty of adult supervision at the drop-off in the morning, so please, when you drop your child off, we ask that you do not watch your child enter the building. Doing this delays the drop-off line and students that are in the back of the line may end up tardy to school.

    6. When you drop your child off in the morning and afternoon, please exit on the “west” side of the school. You will only be able to make a left hand turn onto Continental Drive. Cars will not be allowed to make a right hand turn onto Continental Drive.

     After School Student Pick-Up Procedures

    1. When students are being picked up after school, parents are to enter the “east” entrance to drop-off area located on the map. Parents will drive to the back of the school. Cars will be expected to form a double line to prevent traffic from backing up on Continental Drive.

    2. A teacher will be posted on the corner with a megaphone and will direct the traffic. He/she will ask for the names of the students you are picking up and then will relay that information to staff members who are monitoring the students. Your child will then be directed to stand in a designated pick up area.

    3. Just like the morning drop-off, parents will drive their car all the way to the red fire hydrant or to the car directly in front them.

    4. Parents will be expected to stop at the corner which has been identified on the map by an “X”.

    5. After the first full week of school, all car riders will be given a name tag that will have the last name of the student(s) being picked up. The name tag will be supplied by the school. Any individual picking up a student(s) after school will have to have this name tag fastened to the back of their car visor.

    6. When a car drives to the area designated with the “X” we ask that your name tag be visible.

    7. A teacher will be at that corner controlling traffic. That teacher will look for your name and will radio to staff supervisors to release the student(s) who correspond with that name.

    8. As you will see from the map, kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade students will be in one area and 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students will be in another area. All students will be standing or sitting in a line depending on the weather. In the case of bad severe snow or rain, students will line up in the gym.

    9. By the time the driver drives up to the designated area, the student(s) that correspond to that vehicle will be waiting to enter the vehicle.

    10. Once you have picked up your student(s), please exit on the “west” side of the school. You will only be able to make a left hand turn onto Continental Drive. Cars will not be allowed to make a right hand turn onto Continental Drive.

    Student Walkers 

    1. Student walkers who are in 1st and 3rd grade will enter door 4 as so designated on the map.

    2. Student walkers who are in 2nd, 4th, and 5th grade will enter door 10 as so designated on the map.

    3. Student walkers who are in kindergarten will line up at door 1.

     Before & After School Rules

    1. No students are to play on the playground before school.

    2. No students are to play on the on the playground after school.

    3. Playground equipment will be accessible after 4:00 pm Monday through Friday.

Last Modified on August 1, 2018

Procedures for the first day of school

  • All students who ride the bus or walk to school will enter the building through the GYM DOORS.

  • All students who are car riders will enter the school through DOOR 14 on the first day of school.

  • Staff members will greet families as they enter the building and show the students and parents were multipurpose room and gymnasium are located.

  • 1st graders and 2nd graders will meet their teacher and line up in the multipurpose room.

  • 3rd through 5th grade students will meet their teachers and line up in the gymnasium.

  • Johnson faculty will be available with class list to help students and parents find their classroom teacher.

  • Kindergarten students start on the second day of school. All kindergarten students who ride the bus or walk to school will enter the building through DOOR 1 on the first day of school.

  • All kindergarten students who are car riders will enter the school through DOOR 14 on the first day of school.

  • On the first day of school, parents are allowed to enter the multipurpose room and gymnasium with their children.

  • Parents will NOT be allowed to accompany their children to the classroom.

  • Please see “before and after school letter” for pick-up procedures.

  • Students who arrive late (after 9:15 am) will need to enter door 1 and go to the office.