Absence Procedures
Student Absence, Appointment & Message procedures
Absences: All students are required by law to attend school every day the school is in session. If a student is to be absent from school, a parent or guardian must call the Hubble attendance line before 8:00am at (630-821-7900). Recorded messages can be left anytime. When calling, provide your child’s name, ID#, grade and reason for the absence.
Please note: If a parent or guardian has not notified the school by 9:00AM, the office will attempt to contact you at home, work, or through emergency contact numbers to make sure your child is safe. Please keep all phone numbers current by notifying the main office in writing.
Prearranged Absences: It is understood that students may be absent from school for various reasons beyond their control. Removing students from school for vacation is discouraged; however, it is recognized that some cases are unavoidable. Students who know in advance that they will be absent from school for three or more days are required to complete a Prearranged Absence Form and return it to the Main Office at least 24 hours prior to the absence.
Appointments/Early Dismissals: If you must take your child from Hubble for any reason during the school day, please do the following.
Call the Main Office at 630-821-7900 between 6:00-7:45AM and tell us the time your student will be leaving. (You may also call the day before the appointment.)
As your child arrives at school, they will need to stop by the main office and pick up his/her pass for this departure.
At early dismissal time:
The student should show the pass to his/her teacher and proceed to the Main Office.
A parent or guardian should call the Main Office upon arrival. The student(s) will sign themselves out once the staff has verified that the parent has arrived.
Upon returning to school, students can sign themselves back into the building and they will receive a pass to return to class.
Messages to students: Message requests should be limited to emergency situations however; we understand that occasionally you may need to get a message to your child that is not an emergency. Messages received prior to lunch time will be delivered during your child’s lunch period. Due to staffing limitations, we cannot guarantee that any message received after lunch time will be delivered by the end of the school day.
PE Uniform Ordering Information
Online PE uniform sales for middle and high school students are open at PE Uniforms
Questions can be directed to: Dawn Szumski at the Sport Center at cusd200peuniform@gmail.com
Uniform pickup options:
Order online and pickup later at the Wheaton Sport Center: 11am-7pm Mon-Fri; or 11am-4pm Sat/Sun
Order online and pickup at your school on schedule pickup days. 8/8 & 8/9.
Purchase and pickup at the Wheaton Sport Center: 11am-7pm Mon-Fri; or 11am-4pm Sat/Sun
To ensure securing a P.E. uniform for the start of school, it is strongly encouraged to order as early as possible.