Student Handbook

Middle School Philosophy

Middle School is designed to:

  • Meet the wide range of needs and abilities of middle school students so that they develop and master those skills basic to full participation in society;

  • Help middle school students learn and foster in them a desire to seek knowledge;

  • Emphasize the learning process through a flexible and integrated curriculum of basic skills and exploratory areas within an organizational structure that will best meet the needs of middle school students;

  • Focus attention on the unique developmental stage of each student, the need for personal responsibility and independence, and the identification of a positive self image;

  • Enable middle school students to develop a positive and working relationship within the school and encourage identity with and active involvement in the local community;

  • Be staffed with personnel who respond to the unique needs of students at this level.

Middle School Handbook

The Middle School Handbook includes information about curriculum, policies and disciplinary procedures.

The District 200 schools employ a variety of disciplinary measures to maintain a safe educational atmosphere. Students who display undesirable behavior are disciplined to help correct such behavior and to help them develop self-discipline. When a student is involved in a disciplinary action, the student will be afforded individual attention in a constructive manner. Discipline procedures will follow due process of law, including providing for appeals to other school authorities. For additional support, parents are informed of disciplinary action to enable the home and the school to work together to correct such behavior. A student’s conduct is a personal matter of self-discipline that demonstrates respect for authority and concern for the rights of others. All students are expected to know school rules that relate to conduct and discipline because inappropriate behavior disrupts the opportunity to learn.

See Current Middle School Handbook