Edison CARES

Edison CARES

Our Edison CARES Team is made up of staff from all departments and grade levels and meets monthly to improve behavior outcomes for all students through a fluid continuum of social, emotional and behavioral supports and recognize student success. The Edison CARES Team has established building expectations called our Edison CARES Commitments, and the team reviews quarterly data to set a behavior focus, plans seasonal recognition assemblies, and helps organize the explicit instruction of grade level SEL standards. The Edison CARES Team created the acronym CARES as a way to help our students remember our school expectations and desired scholar traits of being collaborative, accountable, respectful, empathic, and safe for themselves, others, and within their community while also addressing the SEL competencies from the Illinois State Standards.  

Collaborative- to work jointly with others on an intellectual task

Accountable- to be called on to answer for one’s conduct and obligations

Respectful- showing high regard or courtesy

Empathic- the understanding, being aware of, sensitive to the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another

Safe- secure from threat of danger, harm, risk, or loss

What are the Edison CARES Commitments?

Mrs. Bednar and Mr. Zimmerman meet with students during grade level assemblies at the beginning of the year to introduce/review our Edison CARES Commitments which are our building wide expectations. Classroom teachers also provided explicit instruction of these expectations. The Edison CARES Team has created posters for each of the different areas of the building to explicitly define the desired behaviors.

What is the Edison Bright Light Award? 

It is important that we recognize students when they demonstrate positive behaviors. As a school, we do this informally every day through positive, encouraging words, but formally, we do it through our Bright Light Award. Staff across the building present students with the Edison Bright Light Award when they want to highlight their positive behaviors in one or more of the Edison CARES Commitments.  

What is the Quarter Review?

We ask the students to reflect on their behavior in meeting our Edison CARES Commitments each quarter. The students are also asked to set a personal and academic goal each quarter. At the end of each quarter, they are asked to reflect on their progress with these goals before setting goals for the next quarter.

The Edison CARES Team meets quarterly to review and analyze behavioral data. Target behaviors are determined to create a focus for the following quarter. Lessons are created to ensure student understanding of the expected behaviors for improvement.

What are recognition assemblies?

The Edison CARES Team organizes three seasonal assemblies for the student body to gather to show off their Panther Pride and celebrate our accomplishments. Each season various clubs and teams are recognized for their participation, contributions, and achievements. Coaches and staff sponsors select students from their groups to speak on their group/team’s behalf. 

What is SEL?

Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. Representatives from the Edison CARES Teamwork with their grade-level teams to plan and determine their explicit lesson topics in order to address the competencies of the SEL standards for their grade level focus.

  • Goal 1: Develop self-awareness and self-management skills to achieve school and life success.

  • Goal 2: Use social-awareness and interpersonal skills to establish and maintain positive relationships.

  • Goal 3: Demonstrate decision-making skills and responsible behaviors in personal, school, and community contexts.

Recognition Assemblies

The Edison CARES Team organizes three seasonal assemblies for the student body to gather to show off their Panther Pride and celebrate our accomplishments.  Each season various clubs and teams are recognized for their participation, contributions, and achievements. Coaches and staff sponsors select students from their groups to speak on their group/team’s behalf.  Trophies and awards are presented to Mrs. Bednar. 

  • Fall Recognition Assembly 

  • Winter Recognition Assembly

  • End of Year Recognition/Farewell Assembly

CARES Advisory Schedule

CUSD 200 SEL Standards

CUSD 200 SEL Standards